I can't believe it, 1,000 Downloads!!

Hello, everyone!

Robo Otto... has recently surpassed 1,000 downloads ๐Ÿ’–

I'm quite a bit late to this post, actually, since I wanted to make something special... but I don't want to be any later than I already am to something so... wonderful!

1,000 downloads... That's 20 times the amount of people that I thought would ever play this game. 1,000 downloads means that, 1,000 times, someone looked at my game and went: "Yeah, that looks interesting."

I couldn't of fathomed that my first ever game would reach so many people. And... I've said this so many times, already! But the number just keeps getting more unbelievable as time goes on!

I'm very lucky. And very, very thankful. I feel like I owe it to Robo Otto, as well as all of you who have played Robo Otto, that I feel so successful.

Thank you. All of you! Every downloader! Every commenter on the store page and devlogs! Every reviewer, praising or criticizing! Everyone who's followed me because of Robo Otto! Thank you... everyone!!

You've all made Robo Otto mean so much more to me than I thought it ever could โค๏ธ

Eheheh... Now that I've said basically every sappy thing I could think of, I do have some things to mention before I end this devlog!

I plan on finishing the picture commemorating 1,000 downloads. When I do, I'm also gonna put a slightly different alternate of it up on my merchandise store! Unless there's really strong feelings about keeping it EXACTLY like what you saw above!

I also wanna say something special to all of you Robo Otto fans...

I have something planned for Robo Otto in the future. I've taken your feedback to heart, and I can't wait to show you what I've been sneakily plotting for quite a bit, now! Many of you who played the game voiced things I also believed... and that's when I knew this had to happen!

Unfortunately, that day looks like a while from now. But Robo Otto is something still quite relevant to me...

Okay! I've probably hinted at it waaaay too much!! I hope some of you will still be pleasantly surprised when that day comes...

It's been one heck of a year, you all. Robo Otto came out April 2023, and it's June 2024 as of writing this... I'll still never forget how terrified I was when 60 people downloaded my game on its release day, hahahahah!

Thank you so much. Every day, I find myself astonished by Robo Otto's popularity.

I hope I can honor that popularity.


Lil' Beastman ๐Ÿ’–

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I was holding out hope for some sort of continuation, Im glad these characters are not forgotten!


One can never forget the robo bois!! โค๏ธ


You've come far lil beastman:3 congrats on 1k downloads, you deserve it!<3